What does Allah look like

What does Allah look like?

Everything in the world keeps changing and it will perish. It is born sometime, then surely there is someone who creates and annihilates all these things. His holy name is Allah. He is the Creator of the universe. He created …

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Why can't we see God

Why can’t we see God

Everything is described in Islam and the Qur’an is also testifying to this but there is also something that has been kept secret from the common people, such as the time of resurrection. In the same way, the vision of …

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Faith in Allah Almighty

Faith in Allah Almighty Faith in Allah makes a Muslim strong in mind and heart. A true Muslim with unshakable faith in Almighty Allah leads a very peaceful and contented life. He fears no one but Allah. He knows that …

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Allah Almighty

Belief in Allah

If Allah can transforms the night into the day then He surely can transforms the darkness of our lives into brightness. All we have to do is to keep faith and trust in Almighty Allah. Ah! but we impatient mortal …

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Image Islamic information in English in simple word Islam in English

What should we believe about Allah?

What should we believe about Allah? Faith in Almighty Allah عزوجل To be a Muslim one has to express his or her firm faith in Towheed (the Oneness of Allah), Most High, and the Prophet-hood of Prophet Muhammad  صلی الله علیہ وسلم . Faith …

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Six Kalimat (Articles of Faith)

Six Kalimat (Articles of Faith)

First Kalimah: Sanctity

1st Kalimah Image (Articles of Faith)
Six Kalimat (Articles of Faith)

There is none worthy of worship except Allah عز وجل,
Muhammad صلى الله علیہ وسلم is the Prophet of Allah عز وجل.

Second Kalimah: Evidence

2nd Kalima Image (Articles of Faith)
Six Kalimat (Articles of Faith)

I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah عز وجل, He is alone and He has no partner and I testify

2nd Kalima Image (Articles of Faith)
Six Kalimat (Articles of Faith)

that Muhammad صلی الله علیہ وسلم is He (Distinguished) Servant and His Prophet.

Third Kalimah: Glory of Allah

3rd Kalima Image (Articles of Faith)
Six Kalimat (Articles of Faith)

Glory be to Allah عز وجل and all praise be to Allah عز وجل and there is none worthy of worship except Allah عز وجل , and Allah عز وجل is Great

3rd Kalima Image (Articles of Faith)
Six Kalimat (Articles of Faith)

and there is no power to keep away from sins and no ability to do good but from Allah عز وجل who is the greatest.

Fourth Kalimah: Oneness of Allah عز وجل

4th Kalima Image (Articles of Faith)
Six Kalimat (Articles of Faith)

There is none worthy of worship but Allah عز وجل. He is alone. He has no partners. Allah Kingdom is for Him and all praise is for Him. He gives life

4th Kalima Image (Articles of Faith)
Six Kalimat (Articles of Faith)

and He gives death. He is alive: death will never come to him. The great and the glorified One

4th Kalima Image (Articles of Faith)
Six Kalimat (Articles of Faith)

In His hand is goodness and He has power over everything.

Fifth Kalimah: Repentance

Six Kalimat (Articles of Faith)
Six Kalimat (Articles of Faith)

O my Rab I seek forgiveness from you for all the sins I have committed knowingly or unknowingly, openly or secretly

5th Kalima Image (Articles of Faith)
Six Kalimat (Articles of Faith)

and I repent of the sins that I am aware of and the sins that I am unaware of, for you are the knower of all the Ghuyub (unseen) and Sattar of all the faults and forgiver of all sins, and there is no

5th Kalima Image (Articles of Faith)
Six Kalimat (Articles of Faith)

strength and power except that of Allah عز وجل, the Almighty and the Greatest.

Sixth Kalimah: Refutation of Disbelief

6th Kalimah

O Allah عز وجل I seek Your refuge from associating anything with you knowingly,

6th Kalimah 1

and I seek forgiveness from You for (shirk) that I do not know. I have repented from it and I have detested disbelief, idolatry,

6th Kalimah 2

telling lie, backbiting, bad innovations, tale-telling, indecency, accusations

6th Kalimah 3

and all the sins. I embrace Islam and say there is none worthy of worship but Allah عز وجل, Muhammad صلی الله علیہ وسلم is the Prophet of Allah.

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