What is a Jihad

What is a Jihad?

Jihad is a term that is often used in modern discourse to describe acts of violence and terrorism. However, in the Islamic tradition, the concept of jihad is much broader and encompasses a wide range of meanings and interpretations. In …

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The Battle of Uhud

The Battle of Uhud

The Battle of Uhud was a significant event in Islamic history that took place in the year 625 CE (3 AH), between the Muslims of Medina and the pagan Quraysh tribe of Mecca. The battle took place near Uhud Mountain, …

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What is Jihad? - What do you know about Islam and terrorism

What is Jihad?

While Islam is generally misunderstood in the west, perhaps no other Islamic term suggests such strong reaction as ‘Jihad’. The Arabic word ‘Jihad’ which is mostly always mistranslated as ‘holy war,’ simply means ‘to struggle’ or ‘to exert one’s utmost …

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