DUA – A Communication between you and your lord

In this world, if you have to communicate with someone you need to learn the language of that person. An English speaker cannot understand Italian and a Spanish cannot understand Bengal. How limited a human is in his understanding! But our lord understands all the languages. Whether we make Dua in Italian, Spanish, or Bengali, He understands all. His capabilities are beyond our imagination. We cannot comprehend this wisdom behind His tasks.

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What is Dua?

“DUA” is the direct way of asking your lord what you want. It is not only the way of asking but it acts as a bridge between you and your lord.

“A bridge of communication. Many times in Holy Quran it has emphasized the importance to make Dua. Allah says in Quran;

“And O Beloved, when My bondsmen ask you concerning Me, so (tell them) I am near; I answer the supplication of the supplicating one when he calls upon Me, so they should (also) obey Me and believe in Me, in order that somehow they attain guidance.” [1]2: 186


Allah feels pleasure when His servants make supplication to Him. It makes a bond between you and your creator every time you make dua. Allah never rejects your prayer. There is always a response. Sometimes Allah delays what you asked Him because It was not the right time.

Sometimes you are asking for something but Allah wants to give a lot so He makes you wait. A Muslim believes in this thing that his prayer is never rejected. There is always a response to it. Allah is omnipresent and omnipotent. He is Gracious and merciful. He is listening to all His servants, including the arrogant and submissive.

“Ask Allah for everything even the lace of your shoes. If Allah does not provide, it will never be available.” [2]Sunan al-Tirmidhii 3973

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12: 186
2Sunan al-Tirmidhii 3973