Dear Islamic brothers! How enormous Allah’s mercy is! How easy He عز وجل has made it for us to earn good deeds, get our ranks raised and get our sins forgiven, but regretfully, we are heedless despite so many facilitations. The detail of the excellence of Azan’s reply mentioned in the foregoing Hadis is as follows.
‘اللهُ اكبر اللهُ اكبر ‘ are two Kalimat. The whole Azan consists of 15 Kalimat. If an Islamic sister replies to one Azan, i.e. she says what the Muazzin says, she will get 15 hundred thousand good deeds, her 15 thousand sins will be removed. There is double Sawab for Islamic brothers. In the Azan of Fajr, is also said twice, so there are 17 Kalimat in Fajr Azan. Therefore, the woman replying to Fajr Azan will get 17 hundred thousand good deeds, her 17 thousand ranks will be raised and 17 thousand sins will be forgiven, and all this Sawab will be doubled for Islamic brothers. In Iqamat,
is also said twice, so there are 17 Kalimat in Iqamat, and so the Sawab of the reply to Iqamat is equal to that of Fajr Azan. In short, if any Islamic sister succeeds in replying the Azan as well as Iqamat five times daily, she will attain 10 million 62 hundred thousand good deeds, her one hundred 62 thousand ranks will be raised and her one hundred 62 thousand sins will be forgiven and Islamic brothers will get double Sawab. In other words, he will gain 30 million 24 hundred thousand good deeds, his 3 hundred 24 thousand ranks will be raised and his 3 hundred 24 thousand sins will be forgiven.
The Replier of Azan Entered the Heaven

Hadrat Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah رضی الله عنه narrates that a man whose no major pious deed was known died. The beloved and blessed Rasul صلی الله علیہ وسلم said to the blessed companions رضی الله عنهم, “Do you know Allah عز وجل has made him enter the Heaven.” The people became surprised as apparently he did not have any major deed. Therefore, one of the companions went to that person’s house and asked his widow as to what his special deed was. She replied, “Although I do not know any of his special deed, he would reply to Azan whenever he used to hear it, whether it was day or night.” (Tarikh-e-Dimshq la bin Asakir, pp. 412, 413, vol. 40) May Allah عز وجل bless him and forgive us for his sake.
The Method of Replying to Azan and Iqamat