The Almighty Allah and the Holy Prophet ﷺ have repeatedly commanded in the Holy Qur’an and in the Hadeeths to be kind to one’s relatives. In particular, it is important to follow these few things.
- If your loved ones are poor and needy and do not have the strength to earn a living, then continue to support them financially to the best of your ability.
- Keep visiting your relatives and always share their happiness and sorrows.
- Be careful, never cut off the relationship by separating from the relatives. It is a great sin to sever a relationship. The Prophet ﷺ said:لایدخل الجنۃ قاطع۔
“That is, one who is separated from his relatives will not enter Paradise.”[1]صحیح مسلم، کتاب البر والصلۃ الخ، باب صلۃ الرحم وتحریم قطیعتھا ، رقم ۲۵۵۶،ص۱۳۸۳
If there is any distress from the relatives, it is a great reward to be patient and still maintain the relationship with them. It is said in the hadith that:
“Whoever breaks ties with you, keep peace with him and forgive him who oppress you and whoever treats you unjustly, treat him kindly.”[2]المسند للامام احمد بن حنبل،حدیث عقبہ بن عامر،الحدیث۱۷۴۵۷، ج۶، ص۱۴۸، کنزالعمال،کتاب الاخلاق،باب صلۃ … Continue reading
And there is a hadith that By treating the relatives well, a person becomes the beloved of his family and his wealth increases and his age is long and blessed. [3]جامع الترمذی ، کتاب البر والصلۃ ، باب ماجاء فی تعلیم النسب ، رقم ۱۹۸۶،ج۳،ص۳۹۴
Teachings from hadiths about relatives
These hadiths teach us the great reward of treating our relatives kindly, and the benefits of doing so in this world and in the hereafter, and the sin of abusing our relatives and severing ties with them. How horrible and terrible it is and how much more dangerous it is in both worlds.
Therefore, every Muslim man and woman must pay special attention to the rights of their relatives and to treat them well. Remember that following the rules of Shariah is the only source of advice and welfare for a Muslim in both worlds. No Muslim can ever flourish in both worlds without acting upon Shariah.
People separate with their sisters, daughters, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, etc. by saying that they have no relation anymore and then stops meeting and even boycotts the marriage and mourning ceremonies of relatives. The limit has been reach that some unfortunates do not even attend the funeral and burial of their close relatives. You decide for yourself how miserable, destitute and sinful these people are.