Approximately Ninety-Six (96) Sunan of Salah

Sunan of Takbir-e-Tahrimah

  1. Raising hands for Takbir-e-Tahrimah
  2. Keeping fingers in their normal condition i.e. neither keep them too close not produce tension in them.
  3. The inside part of palms as well as that of fingers should face the Qiblah.
  4. Not bowing head at the time of Takbir
  5. Raising both hands up to ears before starting the utterance of Takbir
  6. The same Sunan apply to the Takbir of Qunut and
  7. The Takbirat of the both Eid Salah as well.
  8. Imam’s uttering اَللہُ اَکّبَرّ,
  9. سَمع اللہُ لِمَن حَمِدَہ’ and
  10. Salam loudly (raising voice louder than requirement is Makruh).
  11. Folding hands immediately after the Takbir is Sunnah (after uttering Takbir-e-Aula, some people drop their hands to their sides or sway their arms backwards and then fold their hands; this is a deviation from Sunnah). (Bahar-e-Shari’at, pp. 520-522, vol. 1)

Sunan of Qiyam

  1. Men should fold their hands beneath their navel with their right palm on the back of their left wrist joint, right thumb and small finger should be around left wrist and their remaining right hand fingers should be on the back of left forearm.
  2. Reciting Sana first and then
  3. Ta’aw-wuz () and then
  4. Tasmiyah (بِسمِ اللہِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحِیمِ).
  5. Reciting Sana, Ta’aw-wuz and Tasmiyah immediately one after the other.
  6. Uttering all of them with low volume.
  7. Uttering اٰمِین.
  8. Uttering it (اٰمِین) in low voice also.
  9. Reciting Sana immediately after Takbir-e-Aula. (In Salah, Ta’aw-wuz and Tasmiyah are linked with the Qira-at, as the Muqtadi does not have to do Qira-at, it is not Sunnah for him to recite Ta’aw-wuz and Tasmiyah either; however, the Muqtadi missing one or more Rak’at should recite them while offering his missed Rak’at). (Dur-re-Mukhtar, pp. 234, vol. 2)
  10. Ta’aw-wuz should be recited in the first Rak’at only.
  11. Tasmiyah is Sunnah at the beginning of every Rak’at. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, pp. 522, 523, vol. 1)

Sunan of Ruku’

  1. Uttering اَللہُ اَکّبَرّ for Ruku’
  2. Uttering سُبّحٰنَ رَبِّیَ الّعَظِیّمِ three times in Ruku’
  3. Man’s holding knees with hands;
  4. Spreading fingers wide apart and,
  5. Keeping legs straight in Ruku’ (some people bend their legs like a bow, this is Makruh). (Bahar-e-Shari’at, pp. 525, vol. 1)
  6. In Ruku’, the back should be so straight (horizontally) that even if a glass of water is placed on the back, the glass should remain still. (Fath-ul-Qadir, pp. 259, vol. 1)
  7. In Ruku’, the head should neither be higher nor lower (than the back) it should be in the straightness of the back. (Hidayah, pp. 50, vol. 1)


The beloved Rasul of Allah said, “The Salah of the one not keeping his back straight in Ruku’ and Sujud is insufficient (imperfect).” (Sunan Abu Dawud, pp. 325, vol. 1, Hadis 855)


The Holy Prophet said, “Perform your Ruku’ and Sujud completely as, by Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ, I see you from back.” (Sahih Bukhari, pp. 263, vol. 1, Hadis 742)

  1. It is better (for a Musalli) to utter اَللہُ اَکّبَرّ while bending for Ruku’ i.e. to utter Takbir when he starts bending for Ruku’ and finish it having bent completely. (Fatawa-e-‘Alamgiri, pp. 74, vol. 1) In order to do so, stretch the لام (lam) of Allah, not the ب (ba) of Akbar or any other letter. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, pp. 525, vol. 1) Uttering اٰللہُ (Allahu), اٰکبر (Akbar) or اکبار will invalidate the Salah. (Dur-re-Mukhtar, pp. 218, vol. 2) (Rad-dul-Muhtar, pp. 218, vol. 2)

Sunan of Qawmah

  1. Keeping hands down to sides when standing after Ruku’. (Fatawa-e-‘Alamgiri, pp. 73, vol. 1)
  2. Imam’s uttering سَمعَ اللّٰہُ لِمَنّ حَمِدَہ when standing from Ruku’
  3. Muqtadi’s uttering اَللَّھُمَّ رَبَّنَاوَلَکَ الّحَمّد.
  4. Uttering both is a Sunnah for Munfarid. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, pp. 527, vol. 1) The Sunnah will be fulfilled if the words رَبَّنَالَکَ الّحَمّد are uttered but it is better to add the letter “و” after the word “رَبَّنَا”; uttering اَللَّھُمَّ رَبَّنَا is better than uttering رَبَّنَا and adding both i.e. uttering اَللَّھُمَّ رَبَّنَاوَلَکَ الّحَمّد is better than utter رَبَّنَالَکَ الّحَمّد. (Dur-re-Mukhtar, pp. 246, vol. 2)
  5. A Munfarid should start uttering سَمعَ اللّٰہُ لِمَنّ حَمِدَہ while standing from Ruku’ and, having stood erect, he should utter اَللَّھُمَّ رَبَّنَاوَلَکَ الّحَمّد. (Dur-re-Mukhtar, pp. 247, vol. 2)

Sunan of Sajdah

  1. Utter اَللہُ اَکّبَرّ when going down for Sajdah
  2. Uttering اَللہُ اَکّبَرّ when returning from Sajdah.
  3. Uttering سُبّحٰنَ رَبِّیَ الّاَعّلٰی at least three times in Sajdah.
  4. Placing palms on the ground in Sajdah
  5. Keeping the fingers close together, facing the Qiblah
  6. When going down for Sajdah, placing knees,
  7. Hands,
  8. Nose and
  9. Forehead on ground in that order
  10. Doing that in reverse order when returning from Sajdah i.e.
  11. Forehead,
  12. Nose,
  13. Hands and
  14. Knees should be lifted from ground in that order.
  15. During Sajdah, it is a Sunnah for men to keep their arms apart from sides and
  16. Thighs apart from belly.
  17. Not laying forearms on the ground. If you are in a Saf (row) during Jama’at, then do not keep arms away from sides.
  18. Making the soles of all ten toes of both feet touch the ground in such a way that their tips face the Qiblah. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, pp. 528-530, vol. 1)

Sunan of Jalsah

  1. Sitting between both Sujud, which is called Jalsah
  2. Keeping the right foot upright and the left foot flat and sitting on the left foot
  3. Keeping the toes of right foot towards the Qiblah
  4. Placing both hands on thighs. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, pp. 530, vol. 1)

Sunan of Standing for the Second Rak’at

  1. After the completion of both Sujud, it is a Sunnah to stand up for the second Rak’at with the support of toes.
  2. Placing hands on knees; however, there is no harm in placing hands on the ground for standing up due to weakness or pain in foot.
    (Dur-re-Mukhtar, pp. 262, vol. 2) (Rad-dul-Muhtar, pp. 262, vol. 2)

Sunan of Qa’dah

  1. After performing the Sujud of the 2nd Rak’at, it is a Sunnah for men to lay their left foot flat.
  2. Sitting with both buttocks on the left flattened foot
  3. Keeping right foot upright and
  4. Keeping the toes of right foot towards the Qiblah.
  5. Keeping right hand on right thigh and
  6. Left hand on left thigh
  7. Leaving fingers in a normal state i.e. neither too close together nor too wide apart
  8. Keeping fingertips close to the knees but one should not hold the knees
  9. Raising the index finger of right hand while giving Shahadah (Testimony) during اَلتَّحِیِّات. Its method is as follows:


Fold ring finger and the pinkie, form a ring with the middle finger and thumb, raise the index finger while uttering “لا”  and do not shake it hither and thither, put it down while uttering الّا and straighten all fingers. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, pp. 530, vol. 1)

  1. Sitting in the second Qa’dah just like the first one. Reciting Tashahhud as well. (Dur-re-Mukhtar, pp. 272, vol. 2)
  2. Reciting Durud Sharif after Tashahhud. Reciting Durud-e-Ibrahim is preferable. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, pp. 531, vol. 1)
  3. It is a Sunnah to recite Durud Sharif after Tashahhud in the first Qa’dah of Nafl and Sunan-e-Ghair Muakkadah. (Rad-dul-Muhtar, pp. 281, vol. 2)
  4. Reciting Du’a after Durud Sharif. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, pp. 534, vol. 1)

Sunan of Performing Salah

  1. Performing Salam twice uttering the following words: اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَیکُم وَرَحمَۃُاللہ
  1. Turning the face to the right side first and then
  2. The left side. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, pp. 535, vol. 1)
  3. Saying both Salam loudly is a Sunnah for the Imam, but the voice of the second Salah should be lower than the first one. (Dur-re-Muhtar, pp. 292, vol. 2)
  4. As soon as the Imam utters the word السَّلام while performing the first Salam, his Salah will finish even if he has not yet uttered the word عَلَیکُم; therefore, if any latecomer joined the Jama’at after the Imam had already uttered the word السَّلام, his Iqtida would not be valid. However, his Iqtida will be valid if the Imam, having performed the first Salah, performs Sajda-e-Sahw provided Sajda-e-Sahw had become Wajib. (Rad-dul-Muhtar, pp. 292, vol. 2)
  5. When the Imam turns his face to the right and left side while performing Salah, he should make the intention of saying Salam to the people offering Salah at his right and left side respectively; but he should not intend to say Salam to any woman (even if she is present in the Jama’at). Further, he should also intend to say Salam to Kiraman Katibin (angels deputed for writing deeds) as well as the angels deputed for safeguard during both Salam, but he should not fix any number in the intention. (Dur-re-Mukhtar, pp. 294, vol. 2)
  6. Muqtadi (the one offering Salah with Jama’at) should also intend to say Salam to the people and angels on both sides, further, he should also make intention for the Imam while performing Salam towards the side where the Imam is present. If the Imam is in front of the Muqtadi, he should intend to say Salam to the Imam while performing both Salams. A Munfarid should intend to say Salam to the angels only. (Dur-re-Mukhtar, pp. 299, vol. 2)
  7. Muqtadi’s transitions i.e. Ruku’, Sujud etc. should be with those of Imam’s. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, pp. 535, vol. 1)

Sunan after Performing the Salam

  1. It is a Sunnah for the Imam either to turn right or left after performing the Salah; turning to right side is preferable. To sit facing the Muqtadis is also permissible provided that not a single person is offering Salah in front of Imam’s face up to the last Saf. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, pp. 537, vol. 1)
  2. It is permissible for a Munfarid to ask supplication without turning any side. (Fatawa-e-‘Alamgiri, pp. 77, vol. 1)

Sunan of the Sunan-e-Ba’diyyah

(The Sunan after the Faraid)

  1. Talking should be avoided after the Fard Salah that is followed by Sunnah Salah. Even though the Sunan will be valid in spite of talking but their Sawab will be reduced. To delay the Sunan is Makruh; similarly, lengthy Awrad (invocations) are not permitted (between the Fard and the Sunan Salah). (Ghunyah, pp. 343) (Rad-dul-Muhtar, pp. 300, vol. 2)
  2. After the Fard that are followed by Sunnah, Du’a should be brief; otherwise, the Sawab of the Sunan will be reduced. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, pp. 539, vol. 1)
  3. Even though it is correct that talking between Fard and Sunnah does not invalidate Sunnah, but their Sawab is reduced; the same ruling applies to every such act that contradicts Tahrimah. (Tanvir-ul-Absar, pp. 558, vol. 2)
  4. Do not offer Sunnah Salah at the same place where Fard Salah was offered, instead, it should be offered at a different place such as right or left or front or rear side or at home. (Fatawa-e-‘Alamgiri, pp. 77, vol. 1) (Dur-re-Mukhtar, pp. 302, vol. 2)


(There is no harm in the pause taking place as a result of going home for offering Sunnah Salah. However, it is a sin to pass across the front of a Musalli or face his front for changing the place or going home; if there is no space to go, offer Sunnah Salah at the same place).

An Important Ruling of the Sunan

The Islamic brothers who engage in talking and walking having offered Sunan-e-Qabliyah or Ba’diyyah should learn a lesson from the following blessed Fatwa of A’la Hadrat رَحمَۃُ اللہِ تَعالٰی عَلَیہ. Therefore, replying to a question, A’la Hadrat رَحمَۃُ اللہِ تَعالٰی عَلَیہ said, “The best time for the Sunan-e-Qabliyah is the initial time (of the Salah) provided talking or any other act that contradicts Salah is avoided between the Fard and Sunnah. As for Sunan-e-Ba’diyyah, it is Mustahab to offer them immediately after the Faraid; there is no harm in the pause taking place as a result of going home to offer them at home. However, the pause due to contradictory acts should be avoided; such a pause will result in the loss of the Sawab of the Sunan-e-Qabliyah as well as Ba’diyyah and will render them out of the prescribed Sunnah method.” (Fatawa Radawiyyah (Jadid), pp. 139, vol. 5)

Sunan for Islamic Sisters

  1. It is a Sunnah for the Islamic sisters to raise their hands to their shoulders whilst uttering Takbir-e-Tahrimah and Takbir-e-Qunut. (Dur-re-Mukhtar, pp. 222, vol. 2) (Rad-dul-Muhtar, pp. 222, vol. 2)
  2. In Qiyam, Islamic sisters and eunuchs should place their left palm just below breasts on their chest and put the right palm on the back of the left palm. (Ghunyah, pp. 300)
  3. For Islamic sisters, in Ruku’, placing hands on knees and keeping fingers not wide apart is a Sunnah. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, pp. 525, vol. 1)
  4. Islamic sisters should slightly bow in Ruku’ (just enough for their hands to reach their knees). Their backs should not be completely straight and they should not apply weight on their knees (simply place their hands on knees); their fingers should be close together and legs should be slightly bent i.e. not completely straight like men. (Fatawa-e-‘Alamgiri, pp. 74, vol. 1)
  5. Islamic sisters should perform Sajdah keeping their body parts close together, i.e. arms touching body sides,
  6. Belly touching thighs,
  7. Thighs touching shins and
  8. Shins touching the ground. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, pp. 529, vol.1)
  9. After performing the Sujud of the second Rak’at, they should draw out their both feet towards the right side in Qa’dah.
  10. They should sit on their left buttock. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, pp. 530, vol. 1)
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