Everything in the world keeps changing and it will perish. It is born sometime, then surely there is someone who creates and annihilates all these things. His holy name is Allah. He is the Creator of the universe. He created the heavens, the earth, the moon, the stars, the people, the animals, and everything else. Everyone needs Him, He does not need anyone. It is up to Him to provide livelihood, to let live, and to kill. But What does Allah look like? Can we see him? What should we believe about him? Let’s get the answers to all these questions.
What should we believe about Almighty Allah?
He is the owner of everything. In order to be a Muslim, it is necessary for a person to believe in the Oneness of God and to acknowledge the Prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Allah is one.
There is no partner in His divinity, in His works, in His commands, and in His names. His existence is necessary and absence is impossible. He has always been and always will be. Only God deserves unlimited praise and worship.
Knowledge of the existence of God
It is not possible to know its greatness by our wisdom. He is beyond our ideas; he is not limited in any way. An object can be imagined only when it has a definite form and Allah is pure from form. He is infinite and free from all restrictions. Therefore, it is not possible to put any form of it in the intellect. However, it is possible to know the greatness of God by meditating on His creation and by using the intellect given by him.
What faith should we have in Allah?
He is neither a father nor a son nor a wife. Anyone who admits or says that God is someone’s father or son is out of the realm of Islam. He is the sum of all perfections, free from all uncleanness, defects, oppression, and immorality. It is impossible for any defect, omission, or weakness to be found in Him. Lying, cheating, rudeness, cruelty, ignorance, and other such heinous things are not possible for Allah. God is free from the limitations of time, space, direction, and everything that resembles creation.
What does Allah look like?
Seeing God in the world is special with our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ. On the night of Ascension, the Holy Prophet ﷺ saw Almighty Allah with the eyes of his head. The rest of the Prophets [1]Peace and blessings of Allah be upon them saw Allah while meditating or dreaming.
It is narrated that Hazrat Imam Azam Abu Hanifa (may Allah have mercy on him) saw Allah Almighty more than 100 times in the dream. From this, it became clear that besides the Prophets [2]Peace and blessings of Allah be upon them, some of the saints of Allah also see Him in dreams. He is the Lord of the worlds. He does whatever He wants, whenever He wants, as He wills. No one has possession of Him and no one can turn Him over with His intention.
Almighty Allah does not fall asleep, He always sees the whole world. He never gets tired or sad. There is no protector of this universe except Him, the Most Forbearing, the Most Merciful, and the Most Compassionate. His mercy is for broken hearts, all glory and greatness are for Him alone.